Silicone Butt Plugs
We offer an array of plugs and sizes. Our regular neck plugs are your standard ratios, and are better for bedroom play. The intensity of the bulb being seated next to the anus is higher.
If you have a bigger body that needs a little extra to not pop out in play, or you want to wear the plugs for longer timeframes, the extended neck designs will set the bulb a big deeper in which makes extended wear much more comfortable.
We have a variety of sizes. From small through 6X. We are working on stretch next 2-6X, but right now do not list them (some of the positives failed and annoyed Mountain).
We offer our narrow tee design as the default, as this is the most comfortable design we have. But we found in polling people that some people worry that the narrower design would not be as secure (we have nobody reporting issues). Some people feel more comfortable psychologically with our older oval tee base. In talking to people, the experienced people preferred narrow tee, and the newer people preferred oval tee. No shame to either. We have oval tee molds from L-3X.
Finally by popular demand we designed the fox loop attachment option.
We want you to love these and enjoy. Here below are sizes and hand pictures and some pretties.
Small-1XL Regular Neck Plugs

4-6X Size Comparison

Fox Tail Loop Version

Sizes vs. Hand

1X-3X Regular and Stretch, Oval Base