About Twisted Mountain Toys
As a big guy Mountain noticed that some toys do not really accommodate the body geometries needed for those with larger bodies, and hey - we have sex too! Specifically there was a toy he wanted that just didn't exist in the length needed. So, he set out to make it.
Driven by a need to stay sane during the pandemic he spent countless hours in the shop, on design tools, sanding and polishing and perfecting techniques and molds - and let's be honest - throwing away a ridiculous amount of failed attempts. As a perfectionist and product engineer he stuck with it until the products are commercial quality. Then we expanded the team and the three of us handle art, design, construction, production, and shipping.
Inclusion is extremely important to the TMT team and for us that means everyone is welcome. Everyone can get the toys they need. So the mission of this company is to have an array of products to bring pleasure to everyone whether you have an average body or a larger body. Whether your plumbing matches what you were assigned at birth or not. While there are plenty of products aimed at heterosexual people, the team will also be bringing products designed to serve LGBT needs as well. And honestly whatever kinky weirdness we think up. This lot is kinda weird.
Feel free to drop us a line on the contact page with ideas, questions, commentary, feedback, partnerships, anything.
Meet the Team

Meet Mountain (John) - Design and Production
Super secret spy name "smarty pants funny man"
John has a passion for quality products. He's spent over 25 years as an engineer with over 11 years in consumer product design. He's familiar with what it takes to get the job done right, every time.
Hobbies include making things (e.g. metal work, woodwork, 3D printing, etc). He's also an energy worker / reiki practitioner and modern hippie / engineer hybrid. Don't worry - he's mostly sane. He loves to cook for people and to be excellent at everything he does.
He loves to be sarcastic and a smarty pants. If people aren't laughing around him he'll fix that.
He's an empath and cares deeply about people and revels in the human condition. He loves helping people grow and become better versions of themselves.
And did we mention smarty pants that likes to laugh a lot? Cuz that's kinda really important.

Kelly has a passion for quirky and weird finds. She has an eye for finding beauty in unusual places.
Hobbies include nature photography, taking care of animals, and reading. She enjoys wandering antique malls with friends and hearing stories inspired by the objects there.
Kelly cares about people feeling included and seen. She loves stories and is quick to laugh.

Gale has a passion to take care of people. She has a bubbly personality and will happily talk to anyone. She’ll do what needs to get done and isn’t afraid of the dirty jobs.
Hobbies include crafts and art, beating her family at Scrabble, and the occasional game of Dungeons and Dragons.
Gale cares about brightening people’s day and improving her self everyday. She is a reiki practitioner.