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Hypersmooth / Hypersensitive Dildos
This lineup started for serving hypersensitive friends. They need extra smooth and a blunt tip. But over time we've expanded the line as most of our customers are just looking for big smooth and / or non representational dildos.
We've happily expanded the line a few times.
Hyper 5" - 10" (we go to 14" now)

Length | Diameter |
5" | 1.0" |
6" | 1.25" |
7" | 1.5" |
8" | 1.65" |
9" | 1.85" |
10" | 2.0" |
11" | 2.25" |
12" | 2.5" |
13" | 2.75" |
14" | 3.0" |
Hand Size Comparison for 5-6-7"

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